Greetings, Earthlings!  I hope you are missing us as much as we are missing you.  I’m certain all of you have been keeping up on the Covid 19 status and how it is effecting our community, state and nation.  In the last couple of days, there have been reports that our country, state and community will soon be “reopening.”  President Trump intimated that their are states that could be ready to reopen “today.”  However, he has left the reopening of America again to the state and local governments as they deem necessary.

In light of this news, several of our people have asked when Clearview will be gathering together again.  Technically, religious meetings were never terminated by any government authorities.  The interruption of Clearview’s regular scheduled meetings was voluntary on our part in the best interest for the health, safety and well-being of our membership and visiting guests.  With this in mind, our best target date for regathering corporately will be some time in May.  All this to say, stay tuned to any and all of Clearview’s social media outlets for confirmation date of the reopening of our regularly scheduled meetings.

Be patient and continue to trust the Lord.  For the believer, the outcome of any and every circumstance is for God’s glory and our gain. Our present situation has not taken God by surprise . . . . nothing ever does.


Pastor Dave