Welcome to Clearview Baptist Church in St. Petersburg, Florida!
Thank you so much for searching out Clearview Baptist Church on the web. We’re so glad you did. Our site is new and we’re excited about sharing it with you! From ministries to messages and general information to Godly insights, our desire is to encourage you to stay close to Jesus! The long and the short of what you’ll find on this site is information that we hope influences you to gain a clear view of God’s love.
Transforming Daily
Consider Your Ways
Consider Your Ways As a young Christian, and having just surrendered to the gospel ministry, reading the book of Haggai (also known as his four oracles) for the first time gave me some level of consternation. Of course the book is one of history and prophecy for the remnant of Israel, etc., but it’s also a book of universal truth [...]
Pastor’s Devotional
Someone told me about a man. A father of five, a fine man by all accounts, nice to co-workers and customers, as well as, strangers. He was taking his eldest son to check out [...]